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The present Article is aimed to create interest and encourage young students to join this Nobel Profession of the Law. For creating interest in the field of Legal Career, the Author has mentioned about some famous, experienced and good Advocates practicing before Hon'ble Supreme Court and before other High Courts of India.

The present Article may also be found useful for the other interested persons apart from young Students wanting to join Legal Profession.

Since many years it has been seen that students passing class 12th exam generally go for Engineering, Medical, MBA, Defence Forces etc. but only few students opt for a Law Degree.

A career in Law in India could be a golden one if a Law Student works hard in this field in a systematic manner.

Before opting Law as a full time career, a student should know that he is going to opt one of the best profession in the World. It is a Noble Profession where sky is the limit. After opting Law as a career, a Law graduate has many options in his life viz. he could become a Judge of Lower / District Court, High Court, Member of many Administrative Tribunals, Arbitrator or a Supreme Court Judge.

He / She could also become a Legal Advisor and Law Managers in different Government and Private Multinational Companies. And ultimately a law Student could one day become a very good, Famous, Top most, Experienced or one of the best lawyer of his city, State or the Country.

It has been seen and observed that generally a Law Student thinks that only Top most and big advocates are seen only in Supreme Court of India, but this is not true. Every District Court, High Courts, Tribunals and Supreme Court of India has many competent, Famous, Experienced, best and top most lawyers practicing in different field of law and are expert in their area of practice. But generally a common man or a Law Student including a very very young Lawyer does not know that who are the Top most, Famous, Best and Experienced Advocates of the High Court or Supreme Court of India. The reason being that there is no such formal list available at any forum which could tell even few names of Top most Lawyers, Best Lawyers, Famous Advocates or experienced Lawyers of High Courts or Supreme Court of India.

A Lawyer becomes a Top Lawyer or a Famous and Experienced Lawyer by his dint, by excellent preparation of his case, effective arguments inside the Courtroom, preparation of case, arguing many cases everyday, his deep legal knowledge, desired orders and Judgements from Court, strong family background, age factor including experience and standing in Bar, over all performance in the field of Law etc. Every year new faces in Bar becomes Experienced Advocates by their hard work.

Now, a question arises which Lawyer or Advocate is a Top Lawyer or Famous Lawyer? It depends upon thinking and personal opinion of different persons at a same time. For one person “SWITZERLAND” could be the Top most, Best, Most Famous and beautiful Hill Station in the World, but at the same time “SHIMLA” could be Top most, Best, Most Famous and beautiful Hill Station in the World for some other person. So one claim’s that “SWITZERLAND” is the best place whereas other claim’s that “SHIMLA” is the best place. It depends and varies from person to person.

The author here says that all the High Courts of India and Supreme Court of India are full of many and so many good and competent Advocates. If the names with their details of every competent, Famous or Top Lawyers of different High Courts and Supreme Court of India will be written and mentioned then thousands of pages will be needed and a law student may loose interest in knowing one by one. The list indeed would be very exhaustive. Therefore, the author has collected and compiled the names, with their little bit details,contact numbers and emails of only few Famous, Experienced, best one and perhaps the Top most Lawyers and Advocates of Supreme Court of India and other few High Courts amongst so many other Famous and experienced Lawyers.

The author has done lot of hard work and exercise in finding few names of experienced, Famous and Top most Lawyers of High Courts and Supreme Court of India since year 2017 by reading many Law related magazines, endless research on Google (Internet) upon information on Indian Lawyers, News Paper Articles on Lawyers, T.V. Interviews, General public opinions, extracts from old articles on internet on Lawyers etc. which perhaps may or may not exist now, are some of the sources and measures taken to collect few names and details of the following few Famous and Experienced Lawyers of India, even though the Author has never personally met these famous Advocates. This is only a small compilation and sole hard work of the author and nobody else just to implant a positive spark in a Law Student so that he / she could get positive inspirations from Experienced Advocates of India.

A sincere Law Student or otherwise interested person is requested to read entire Article with details of all the Lawyers mentioned inside and kindly share with other Law Students also.

In the past there were other Famous and Top most Lawyers practicing in High Courts and Supreme Court of India but unfortunately they are no more in this World as they passed away. Similarly according to the author, the following Lawyers are the Famous Lawyers of present time, but as the wheel of time will revolve, new and new faces will emerge as famous Advocates in coming times. It’s true and its only a matter of time.

Lastly, the Author wishes good luck to all Law Students who are sincerely reading this Article and all of you should work hard in this Legal profession to earn your name and be rated as “Famous Advocates or Top Lawyer of India” in future.


An Article, written by :


Year 2024

According to the Personal Opinion of the Author, the following are the:-


Important Note:- They are not named rank wise as they all are competent Lawyers. There is no such rank and Seniority system of Advocates (except advocates act, 1961) in any court in India. The Author has selected few of them randomly from his own personal efforts and research.The Author opines that there are many more similar types of famous Lawyers present in our Country.